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Showing results 71 to 90 of 20317 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Bł. Ks . Jerzy Popełuszko – obrońca wiary, prawdy i wolnościZabielski, J.
2017Błogosławiony Honorat Koźmiński odnowicielem życia duchowo-religijnegoUrbański, S.
2020Caracteristiques de la culture discursive frangaiseFilimonova, I.
2019Challenges Facing International Students During Study in BelarusMarinenko, O.; Snopkova, E.
2022Chinese higher education managementChenxi, Ding
2018Christliche Ökumene im Heiligen LandSchulze, J.
2022Collaborative regulatory systems in business developmentHuangxu
2018Common traits and differences in the verbalization of superstructures in media genresShevtsova, A.
2017Communicative and pragmatic aspects of english article = Коммуникативный и прагматический аспекты английского артикляБирюк, И. Б.
2013Concept of «Spiritual Safety» in Social SciencesMolodov, O.
2021Concepts of metaphorBadamdorj, E.
2021Covid-infected Bulgarian discourse?Cheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva, D.
2021Criteria for the selection of textual material in teaching of autonomous reading for ESP purposesТадеуш, Т. Н.
2008Criticism of consciousness in American literary studiesPinchukova, T. P.
2022CRM – инструмент менеджераЧегеров, В. Г.
2022Cultural influences on american literary criticismPinchukova, T. P.
2017Culturally specific features of Belarusian and English phraseologyПетрова, Н. П.
2020Czlowiek w polu odpowiedzialności moralnejSkorowski, H.
2020Człowiek pracy a środowisko naturalne – “Laudato si” papieża FranciszkaDziuba, A.
2021Cемантическое поле «отношение» в дискурсе языковых личностей Анны Карениной и Григория ПечоринаРингевич, В. В.