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Showing results 267 to 286 of 20583 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Sakramentalne “umocowanie” chrześcijańskiej moralności w teoiogii prawosławnejZabielski, J.
2017Sakramentalność małżeństwa odczytana na nowoNecel, W.
2023Schwierigkeiten der mathematik-fachsprache im dafunterricht in der mongoleiMunkhtsetseg, Badarch
2019Semantic variety of aphorisms in William Shakespeare’s sonnetsГлуханько, Л. В.
2023Semantics of the modal verb may in the diachronic aspectВласик, Е. И.; Зубрий, С. П.
2020Serious games на уроке французского языкаЛобанова, Д. А.
2021Skutki ochrzczenia ludności w starodawnym państwie RuśLasota, G. J.
2021Smart mob як феномен сеткавай камунікацыіЗайцаў, І. А.
2018SMART-образование – современная модель практико-ориентированного обучения будущих специалистовСнопкова, Е. И.
2020Social Aspectualization Of The English Advertising Media Discourse In Translation To The Russian LanguageChitebayeva, S. Z.
2018Social workers in the modernization of the public consciousnessАntikeyeva, S. K.
2022Sociocultural competence as a universal competence of a university graduateУгликова, И. В.
2018Sociological approach to literary studiesПинчукова, Т. П.
2021Sociological approach to literatureПинчукова, Т. П.
2018Sociological, psychological and pedagogical approach to the analysis of educational leadershipPshembayev, M. A.; Kudysheva, A. A.
2019Soft Skills in the Tertiary educationКик-дргас, Й.
2020Some issues of intensive reading teachingТадеуш, Т. Н.
2021Some social aspects of the legal regulation of economic insolvency (bankruptcy) in the Republic of BelarusKoren, T. A.
2022Spatial correlation network of china’s energy consumptionLiu, Xueyao
2018Specyfika religijności katolików z HomlaDworzecka, J.