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dc.contributor.authorСидоренко, Б. И.-
dc.contributor.authorДмитрачков, П. Ф.-
dc.identifier.citationСидоренко, Б. И. «Обороназемская» в Великом княжестве Литовском в первой трети XVI в. / Б. И. Сидоренко, П. Ф. Дмитрачков // Веснік Магілёўскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта імя А. А. Куляшова. – 2006. – № 1 (23). – С. 19–26.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the analysis of the enactments realized in the Great Principality of Lithuania by the supreme power in the first third of the XVI century to improve the financial, mobilization and legislative guarantee of armed forces in connection with the strained relations with the Moscow state. The author comes to the conclusion that all these measures were none but reforms and brought to the forming of rather strong effective army mechanism. Resting on it the Principality solved the problems of the state security.ru_RU
dc.publisherМагілёўскі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя А. А. Куляшоваru_RU
dc.subjectистория Беларусиru_RU
dc.subjectВеликое княжество Литовскоеru_RU
dc.title«Обороназемская» в Великом княжестве Литовском в первой трети XVI в.ru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:№ 1 (23)

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