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dc.contributor.authorCheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva, D.-
dc.identifier.citationCheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva, D. Covid-infected Bulgarian discourse? / D. Cheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva // На перекрестке культур: единство языка, литературы и образования – II : сб. науч. ст. II Междунар. науч.-практ. интернет-конф., 7–18 дек. 2020 г., Могилев / под ред. А. К. Шевцовой. – Могилев : МГУ имени А. А. Кулешова, 2021. – С. 133–137.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractВ статье рассматриваются причины и следствия появления неологизмов в болгарском языке и их заимствования из других языков. The paper is a part of a bigger research on the advent of neologisms into the Bulgarian language as a result of the pandemic. The focus is on some of the new linguistic choices that appeared in Bulgaria mostly as a result of the global impact COVID-19 has. The neologisms encountered in conversation were listed and then compared with the linguistic entries in the reference books and their frequency of use was checked through search engines. One of the main conclusions reached is that despite the fact that the analysed neologisms are not part of the official lexicon they are widely used in the social and the mass media, which means they are an active part of the everyday life of Bulgarians.ru_RU
dc.publisherМогилевский государственный университет имени А. А. Кулешоваru_RU
dc.subjectнациональный языкru_RU
dc.subjectустный дискурсru_RU
dc.subjectмедийный дискурсru_RU
dc.subjectnational languageru_RU
dc.subjectoral discourseru_RU
dc.subjectmedia discourseru_RU
dc.titleCovid-infected Bulgarian discourse?ru_RU
Appears in Collections:2021 (Полный текст)

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