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Showing results 184 to 203 of 20317 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016m-нейтральные последовательности в n-арных группахГальмак, А. М.
2020Main tips for teaching business English at humanitarian facultiesЗаблоцкая, М. В.
2022Major administrative decisions exist problems in practice and open and transparent measuresHan, Zhan
2017Maksymilian Maria Kolbe – uniwersalny świętyPrzybyłowski, K.
2012Maria Stuart bei Friedrich Schiller und Maria Ebner-Eschenbach: die frau und die koeniginDziamidava, T.
2017Media Discourse Addressed to Children: A Comparative AspectShevtsova, A.
2023Mediation as a way to resolve commercial disputesKoren, T. A.; Maslakova, А. А.
2015Mener a bien la conception des ensembles d’activites pour la classe de fleФилимонова, И. Ю.
2019Mensch, Natur Und Sprache. Zur Philosophischen Anthropologie In Der Deutschen RomantikAndrzejewski, В.
2017Metaphor in Cognitive SciencesПинчукова, Т. П.
2018Milena Oda: Eine Osteuropäerin in Deutschland zwischen sprachlicher integration und menschlicher EinsamkeitЧапек, Я.
2019Miłosierdzie Boże jako wezwanie do nawrócenia i pokutyZabielski, J.
2020Modeling of nutation oscillations in light radiation refl ected by thin resonant layerTimoshchenko, E. V.; Yurevich, Yu. V.
2019Models of interaction between the established and the new knowledge in popular science textsYakubava, V. Y.
2022Modern technologies in English teachingXiaoyan, Huang
2021Modern trends in the methodology of teaching English as a second languageСмоляк, Д. А.
2021MOODLE as an educational tool for testing students’ knowledgeЗубрий, С. П.
2018Moral values in the semantics of inglish and Belarusian phraseological unitsПетрова, Н. П.
2020Motifs In Literature: Archetypal ApproachПинчукова, Т. П.
2003n-Арные аналоги нормальных подгруппГальмак, А. М.