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Title: Административно-территориальные изменения в БССР (1930–1938 гг.)
Authors: Елизаров, С. А.
Keywords: история Беларуси
административно-территориальные изменения
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Магілёўскі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя А. А. Куляшова
Citation: Елизаров, С. А. Административно-территориальные изменения в БССР (1930–1938 гг.) / С. А. Елизаров // Веснік Магілёўскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта імя А. А. Куляшова. – 2004. – №1 (17). – С. 25–30.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of administrative and territorial division of the BSSR in the 30-ies. The close connection of this process with alterations of the authority’s priorities under the circumstances of forced socialism building has been shown.
Appears in Collections:№ 1 (17)

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