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Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Belarus is party to the Singapore conventionKoren, T. A.
2019Challenges Facing International Students During Study in BelarusMarinenko, O.; Snopkova, E.
2018Common traits and differences in the verbalization of superstructures in media genresShevtsova, A.
2017Communicative and pragmatic aspects of english article = Коммуникативный и прагматический аспекты английского артикляБирюк, И. Б.
2013Concept of «Spiritual Safety» in Social SciencesMolodov, O.
2008Criticism of consciousness in American literary studiesPinchukova, T. P.
2005Cпектры пропускания слоя активных атомов при неоднородном уширенииГлазунова, Е. В.; Юревич, В. А.
2007Die arten geflugelter worte in der modernen deutschen schriftspracheTepljakova, A.
2019Die Deutschen Entlehnungen Geflügelter Worte in der Modernen Belarussischen Schriftsprache (Quantitativer Bestand und Ursprungsquellen)Tepljakova, A.
2003Diophantine approximations in the field of real and complex numbers and Hausdorff dimensionSakovich, N. V.
2006Disguise: Comic and Cosmic. Restoration Comedy from the Point of View of New CriticismPinchukova, T.
2016Early Christian Burials of the Mogilev’s cities near Dnieper and SozhAvlasovich, A. M.
2003English tenses in useГолякевич, Н. Д.
2005Ethno–Specific Phraseological Expressions of Etiquette in Russian FictionMikhalchuk, T.
2015Etymology of English ProverbsIvanov, E. E.; Petrushevskaia, Ju. A.
2017Flash-анимация как средство активизации познавательной деятельности учащихся при изучении предметов естественнонаучного циклаКротов, В. М.
2009Frazeologija v jezikoslovju in drugih vedan = Phraseologie in der Sprachwissenschaft und anderen Disziplinen = Phraseology in linguistics and other branches of Science = Фразеология в языкознании и других науках: EUROPHRAS Slovenija 2005 (Strunjan, 12–14. September 2005) / Uredila Erika KrzisniK in Wolfgang Eismann. – Ljubljana : Univerza v Ljubljani, 2007. – 620 s.Довгаль, Д. А.
2007Frequency bistability in nonlinear thin-film interferometerGlasunova, E. V.; Yurevich, V. A.
2005Going around Mogilev: a guideСавченко, Н. М.
2017Grammatical categories as a means of creating discourse pictures of the world and cortege interaction (on the basis of political discourse)Vasilenko, E.