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Title: A structural-functional model of physical training control of ski-racers
Authors: Kucherova, A. V.
Keywords: a model
a system
physical training
a structural-functional model
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Могилёвский государственный университет имени А. А. Кулешова
Citation: Kucherova, A. V. A structural-functional model of physical training control of ski-racers / A. V. Kucherova // Веснік Магілёўскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта імя А. А. Куляшова. Сер. С, Псіхолага-педагагічныя навукі (педагогіка, псіхалогія). – 2024. – № 1 (63). – С. 38–44.
Abstract: The article substantiates the development of a structural-functional model of physical training control of ski-racers. It reveals a specialized status of the model taking into account an individual level of specific qualities of a ski-racer. The emphasis is placed on creating the components of the physical training system and their interacting, as well as on the essence of this process in athletic training of ski-racers. The article reveals the content component of the model’s physical training system in the most orderly and integrated structure of interaction that increases the effectiveness of the training process.
Appears in Collections:2024, №1 (63)

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