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Title: Лексічна-фразеалагічныя маркеры вербальнай агрэсіі ў інтэрнэт-камунікацыі
Authors: Доўгаль, А. В.
Keywords: verbal aggression
Internet communication
lexical marker
invective words
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: МДУ им. А. А. Куляшова
Citation: Доўгаль, А. В. Лексічна-фразеалагічныя маркеры вербальнай агрэсіі ў інтэрнэт-камунікацыі / А. В. Доўгаль // Восточнославянские языки и литературы в европейском контексте - VIII : сборник научных статей / под ред. Е. Е. Иванова. - Могилев : МГУ имени А. А. Кулешова, 2024. - С. 32–35.
Abstract: The article examines text comments on social networks that contain aggressive intent and are an example of destructive communication with a negative emotional tone. It is noted that comments have the following features: voluntariness, asynchrony, object orientation, conflict. The invective lexical units that are markers of verbal aggression in online comments on social networks are analyzed. It is concluded that the use of such units is due to the addresser’s pragmatic attitude: insulting an opponent, purposefully expressing one’s own negative emotions, involving the addressee in a communicative conflict.
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